Students Enjoying Apartment-Style Living on UNC Charlotte Campus

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The University of North Carolina Charlotte is one of North Carolina’s fastest growing universities. With a new football team and an expanding enrollment, the bustling campus currently serves more than 26,000 students.

So when the University was in need of a construction manager to build a new apartment style residence hall, Edifice was chosen to complete the task.  The 178,000 square foot residence hall now houses 426 students.

“The project team worked very hard to make Belk Hall a success.”  Shared Mike Carlisto, Project Executive for Edifice.

Made up of 94 fully function apartments and 27 one and three bedroom suites, the residence hall offers an extremely desirable setting for on-campus living. The apartments include amenities such as kitchens, washers and dryers, multiple study areas, and lounge areas to name a few.

“Team members ranging from the North Carolina State Construction Office, UNC Charlotte Housing and Facilities Management and all of the other participating UNC Charlotte departments were key to the project’s finish.” shared Carlisto.

The successful project finish could not have taken place without significant communication though.

The 30 million dollar residence hall, now formally named Belk Hall, is located in the heart of the main campus. Designed by Clark Nexsen Architecture and Engineering of Charlotte, the project was constructed using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in combination with extensive team collaboration. A tight schedule and multiple challenges were tackled throughout the planning and construction process.

Peter Aranayi, Principal and Vice President for Clark Nexsen shared that “enthusiastic leadership and great team communication” coupled with Edifice’s “get it done attitude,” resulted in the success of the project.

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With more than 30 trades working on an extremely compact site, this communication was vital. The project was built on a site surrounded by three neighboring residence halls, a creek, and the main road.

Coordinating the over 300 people working on the site daily, the project pushed through to an amazing finish.

Its success is echoed by many, recently earning the a distinguished Eagle Award for Excellence in Construction from the ABC of the Carolinas.

Belk Hall was completed ahead of scheduled with an impressive finish. “The quality of the workmanship on the project is excellent, “ stated Phil Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for facilities for the University.

All of this though would not have been possible without the teamwork that took place Carlisto maintained. “The designer Clark Nexsen, S&ME, the Trade Contractors, and Edifice-Juneau really worked together as one to make this project run efficiently.”