Waxhaw Police Department Moves Into New Home After 125 Years
Waxhaw, N.C. – The Waxhaw Police Department has waited nearly 125 years to have a permanent place to call home. Renovations and an addition to an existing shell building made this a reality.
Edifice began working with the Town of Waxhaw and their architect, Creech and Associates, in the summer of 2013 and started construction in November. Andy Aldridge, vice president of pre-construction led the effort for Edifice in providing cost information, scheduling and constructability reviews as the design was finalized. Aldridge then managed the comprehensive subcontractor bid process within the parameters of the State Construction Management at Risk program.
The newly renovated 26,000-square foot facility provides the department with the space to implement new technology offering ongoing training and education, while allowing room for the department to grow.
“This is bigger than what we need, but it will take us into the future. We are making good use of a lot of the space,” Waxhaw Police Department Chief Michael Eiss said. “I think we thought of just about everything we could think of, and I think this is something the town can really be proud of.” *
The renovated building now features distinct entrances to separate the intake of suspects and others visiting the department as well as new offices and training rooms, process rooms, interview rooms, an on-site fitness center, and plenty of space to carry out investigative services. There is also a simulator room for realistic driving and firearm situations. The entire building is also equipped with the highest internal and external security elements.
The addition provided a protective sally port for the secure transfer of suspects into the building as well as a surface lot to store cars and other large property seized by police. During construction, a 200-year old white oak tree needed to be removed in order to make way for the sally port addition. Looking for a way to preserve the oak, the town was able to use its wood to create tables and plaques, now displayed throughout the department.
“We are honored that Waxhaw chose Edifice for this critical facility and we’re proud of the result the entire team achieved,” says Bryan Knupp, senior vice president of Edifice. “This facility is equipped to provide the highest level of service and will serve to improve the performance of an already outstanding police department.”
As the Town of Waxhaw and the police department continue to grow, the department now has a new home that will take them comfortably into the future.
*Portions reprinted for the Union County Weekly