Beautiful Finish to Long-awaited Addition


The congregation at Christ Lutheran Church has been enjoying their new worship space for several months now. Prior to the completion and dedication of the new worship center, members had been holding their traditional worship service in the old sanctuary for nearly 40 years, and conducting their contemporary service in the gym for 22 years.

Much has changed with the new 55,000-square-foot building.

Designed over a decade ago, the church congregation had worked diligently over the years toward funding of the new addition.  The completed worship space was designed and constructed to compliment both the traditional and contemporary worship services.


“Fantastic!”  Echoed one longtime church member. Comments from the congregation are abundant and it’s easy to see why.

The state-of-the-art sanctuary creates an immediate sense of awe upon entering the space. Seating 1000, the new area is inviting and spacious, accommodating both worship styles. The large stage has designated areas designed to acoustically enhance a traditional choir and orchestra – these same acoustical treatments also enrich the performance of the praise band.

Whether it is the inviting narthex, the “Pit” where teens gather, or the sanctuary itself, many are enjoying this long awaited space.

“It’s Beautiful,” noted another member. “They did a good job. ”
