Morrisville Fire Station No.3

Morrisville, NC

About the Project

The replacement of Fire Station No. 2 for the Town of Morrisville is a one-story, 16,298 SF facility. The station includes 2-bays for Fire Department trucks and equipment plus a third bay for a Wake County EMS Station. This project is a collaboration of The Town of Morrisville and Wake County. Fire Station spaces include 2-double deep pull through bays, offices, gear/
equipment storage, tool room/work area, emergency supplies storage, decon room with bath/shower, rehab room, bedrooms, laundry, lockers, bathrooms, fitness room, day room, kitchen/dining area, plus several other ancillary and support areas. The EMS Station spaces include 1-ambulance bay,storage, day room, kitchen alcove, bathroom/shower area, lockers, gear
bag lockers, plus several other ancillary and support areas.
