Metrolina Park | May 2018

Metrolina Park nears completion as we put the finishing touches on all three remaining buildings; Buildings 3, 4, and 5.

First shown is Building 3, and you will see the roofing details are wrapping up as scheduled and upon completion we will start installing the coping and gutters. The storefront window frames are currently being installed and prepped for the glazing that will proceed in about a week. Over the next few days, we anticipate the completion of the canopies that are currently being installed. Also the exterior painting is well underway with the first coat applied and the application of the accent color has begun.

The site work continues with grading along the perimeter to prepare for both the sidewalks and the parking lot. With good weather in sight the sidewalks are on schedule and we are currently stringing the layout for the the curb in the parking lot. Despite the weather we were able to get the concrete poured for both dumpster pads. We anticipate substantial completion on Building 3 by the end of June.

Moving over to Building 4, we continue to put the finishes touches inside and out as we get the building ready to turn over. On the exterior, we are touching up some paint and installing some glass in a few areas that were lacking. As we wrap up the interior up-fit, we are on schedule for the site railings, paving and striping of the parking lot and all signage installed and ready for our TCO on Friday 6/1.

Building 5 is now complete with signage and the landscaping, which is filling in nicely due to all of the rain we have had lately. The tenants are installing specialized racks for their product and once inspected they will continue to move in. They anticipate to be up and running full operations by Monday June 11th.

In the next few weeks we will continue to wrap up punch lists on 5, 4 and finish 3 with a final walk through.